Sunday, September 16, 2012

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"It gave me guns, " she says.
(Literally as well as figuratively: Among her rapidly proliferating tattoos-current count, 16-is a pis- tol she had inked on her rib cage in the months following the assault.
) "I was like, well, fuck.
They know more about me than I want them to know.
It's embarrassing.
But that was my opening.
That was my liberation, my moment of bring it.
I wanted people to know who I am.
Whatever they take that to be, good or bad, I just want them to know the truth.
There louis vuitton replica bags still a lot of rumors out there, and I'll never be able to stop that.
But you just have to ignore all that stuff.
I have more freedom the more people know about me.
It's like, one less skeleton in the closet, one less burden, one less secret; now you know that, so you can say what you want about it.
I don't have anything to hide.
" I ask her to clarify: Is she alluding to her tweets laced, lately, with blithe references to smoking pot? To the fact that she's Louis Vuitton Neverfull gm a sort of devil-may-care rabble-rouser reputation? Or just that she can now swear and drink and talk about sex in interviews? "There are layers and layers, " she says.
"Even the way I respond to things.
I don't know why I was ever afraid of letting people know who I am.
Because once I thought about it, I was like, You know what? You're rad.
" She waves to a sheepish waiter and places her order: a bottle of red wine, fried shrimp and calamari, followed by entree-size por- tions of gnocchi louis vuitton leopard scarf spaghetti for both of us.
"Get ready, girl, " she says.
"You're gonna be full.
" ask people who are close to Rihanna what her defining traits are and you'll hear a lot of praise for her thoughtfulness and kindness.
"She has a way about her that's very comforting, " says L.
Reid- "She's opinionated and honest, yet she's sensitive.
When I've been through ups and downs, she's always been there for me.
" Katy Perry remembers meet- ing her at a rehearsal shortly before that ill-fated Grammy night in 2009.

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