Friday, September 14, 2012

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100- My husband, Scott, quid I have been searching for our first house, and while trolling the real-estate section, I was thrown by a front-page story about an ex of mine we'll call Jake, who'd renovated an old barbershop in a shady-but-cool area.
His studio was a fir cry from the colonials I'd seen with Scott, and the contrast made my head spin.
These two men, and theirvalucs, coukii't be more unalike; yet at different times, I managed to be compatible with both.
Reading about Jake louis vuitton keepall replica offbeat home made me question whether Scott takes things too seriously and if I'd be just '.is happy in Jake's relaxed, bohemian hideaway.
I'd always secretly imagined what life would'vebeen like had 1 married Jake, and here was a small indication.
Why does bumping into an ex-around the holidays, on the street, even in the !r-flood our brains with so many what-ifs? And is it wrong to wonder? I feel guilty for imagining life with someone other than my hubby.
But Dorree Lynn, PhD, coauthor Cheap Louis Vuitton Luggages Sexfo} rGrowu-Ups, assures me, "it's normal to have pangs about the path not taken, and as long as you're satisfied in your marriage, there's no need to worry." She explains that the feelings Jake stirred-curiosity, a little sadness, a sense of loss-weren't the result of missing him but instead pining for what he'd brought out in me.
Jake, a free-spirited painter, inspired my adventurous side; we tried exotic foods, met quirky people, stayed out all night.
With Scott, who has a solid job, is down-to-earth, louis vuitton replica handbags is wise beyond his years, I'm more reserved-still fun but in an adult way: Lynn suspects that since it's humannature to sugarcoat the past, I've let exciting memories override the day-to-day reality of life with Jake.
So its not enough to remind myself why I dumped him or how happy Scott makes me, as friends suggest.
"Don't deny how it felt to read about Jake," Lynn says.
"That only feeds desire."Instead, she urges me to mentally Play out being back with hint: Our date

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